Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter Was Too Short

As soon as we knew that we were both free from school and work duties for Good Friday, our plans were set.  Sea salt and cracked pepper pistachios for me, sweet and sour chicken for David, and we were off, en route to Ed and Bobbie's place in Bella Vista.  Did you know that day was Mikel's birthday?  Too much fun - Bobbie made a most delicious meatloaf with green chilis (totally yummo).  Ed and Bobbie, thank you so much for having us at your place for the night.  And for our delicious breakfast!  We always love spending time with you two.  

We headed over to Mikel and Debbie's for the rest of the weekend.  Debbie and I got in a nice bike ride before the rest of the St. Louis crew arrived.  And what a blessing, because we hopped over to Jim and Dianne Campbell's house and caught them both before the grandbabies were headed over.  For those of you who didn't meet them at the wedding, they are my sweet friends from our Israel trip. Aren't they too cute?!  Before I even knew them, they were already friends of Debbie and Mikel. 

 We also got to spend some quality time with Miss Felix.  Not familiar? We became great pals during my stay with Debbie and Mikel.  David and I miss her terribly!  She is fifteen years old and still going strong.  With a little extra help regarding jumping on laps.  And the vet gave her a clean bill of health.  Isn't she a beauty?

The rest of the weekend was a whirlwind of food and quality time.  Girls went shopping, guys went shooting, Joseph came over and joined us for the afternoon and dinner on Saturday.  And David showed off his new culinary specialty, Bananas Foster.  Where there's food to be lit on fire, there my husband will be.  So tasty!

My favorite part was attending UBC with the family on Easter Sunday.  Mike Lumpkin, the pastor who married us, is the head pastor there.  He taught out of Hebrews 12 about our inheritance, the unshakeable kingdom of God.  From verse 28 "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire.""  It was a great reminder to clear ourselves of serving out of guilt to serve in love and gratitude for the cross, which we did nothing to gain.  We can't serve with gratitude if we are serving out of guilt!  And I am ever grateful for the freedom of that cross. 

Back at the Morgan Major household (where, by the way, they hosted 11 of us for dinner), the place was aflutter with food-centered action.  And the results made my belly very, very happy.  Ham, a green salad, fruit salad, asparagus, smashed potatoes (delightful).  Great pic of David and Debbie during meal prep, eh?  And another of Carolyn and Toodie. If you are loving Debbie's ensemble, be sure to hit Versona's at The Promenade.  We spent two hours there on Saturday.  Fabulous clothes and accessories, light on the pocketbook.  Very envelope friendly.

And then, of course, we started gathering for the big family photo.  Great job, Mikel, on always getting that camera set up.  Please send the final photo when you get a sec!  In the meanwhile, this is what we all look like trying to get organized. Note, as usual, Bobbie and Carolyn are ahead of schedule.  I love timeliness.

And then the sad part.  We had to leave.  Debbie was so sweet to give us two huge chocolate bunnies.  I am certain her intention was that they would each last us at least a few days.  And we had good intentions, too.   But five hours in a car with limited food options will drive you to do very bad things.

We love all of you.  To the Egert side - we miss you bunches!  Can't wait to see you hopefully soon.

Hugs - Missy Morgan

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