We don't mess around when it comes to weather warnings these days. David sent a text to me on Friday afternoon warning me to hit the road for Rogers pronto. St. Louis had "tornado watch" written all over it for the early evening. I gunned it for 44, stopped quickly for gas and ate my chips and salsa dinner on the road. Twenty minutes out from turning south on 71, I turned on the radio to hear tornado warnings for northwest Arkansas as I headed toward black clouds. Alas, 71 appeared and took me right out of the storms. I didn't see or hear a drop of rain until safely tucked into bed at Debbie and Mikel's late that night. Praise God, and thanks for praying!
The weekend naturally went by way too fast. For the short duration, I say we efficiently maximized on family time and good fun.
The purpose? David had a weight-loss contest weigh-in with his buddies to complete, we desperately wanted to hold Baby Eli, and we had three birthdays to celebrate. As it turns out, no one hit their goal weight, though David did lose 20 pounds. But no one is getting any younger, so the party and baby-holding stayed on schedule. And I am so grateful! Bobbie fixed us two delicious mexican casseroles and Debbie made a gluten-free cake. As far as I'm concerned, where there's cake there's a party.
Here are a few "party-pics" for everyone. And a special Happy Birthday goes out to Ed, who is celebrating his 80th! He sure is a dapper, youthful 80 if you ask me.
Happy Birthday to US!
Some of the Morgans...After all, somebody has to take the picture. Anybody recognize David's shirt? Jan Shaddox convinced me in Israel that purchasing a shirt for David would NOT be too personal.
If anyone is interested in how fabulous 79 and 80 could be, you need to spend a few days with these folks. They run circles around people like me. :)
If these two aren't enough "adorable" for you, watch out. Eli made a special visit all the way from Tampa, Florida. He stole our hearts with his little "man face". And he also played hard to get on the smiles. Saved them for the very end.
I still marvel at the fact that David and these guys have maintained their friendship through all of these years and life changes. And I count myself blessed to call them friends now, too.
Last note before I run off to do some work. Pastor Lumpkin gave out some facts about how much meat, cheese, etc. people in the U.S. eat each year. We sure spend a lot of time taking care of our bodies physically. But if we compare that with the amount of time we spend in His Word, learning about Him, His life and Who He Is, we more than likely fall very short. Two weeks out from the end of BSF for the summer caused me to pause and listen closely to his recommendation for approaching God's Word daily. What a difference it makes for me. Oh, and they closed out with the song "Ancient Words" for all of you BSF leaders! It makes me tear up a bit each time I hear it.
We love you guys, we pray for you, and we will be in touch. Happy June!
Missy Morgan