The best way to sum up the past several weeks is to say that we live for the weekends. The weeks just seem to roll by with this crazy schedule, so when the weekend shows up we are all over it like white on rice.
Home improvement project in the Newberry master bath...
A Sunday afternoon with the Dyesses at Francis Park...
..where we once again got to hang out with Bill & Julie because they had a booth there!
As I roam through our photos, the pics in between our weekends are pretty pathetic. Photos from a new building tour at work, David's school documents, and even a cool new piece of collateral for CommonGround. Snore...Not that I don't love my job !
Last weekend sort of tops our weekend cake. Mikel came in for an unexpected visit. After he picked up his new RV in Cincinnati! In true RV fashion, we met as a family for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel and then hung out in the parking lot for an hour during our tour. Isn't she a beauty? Nice pick, Mikel!
Toodie and Frank were headed out to Shaw Nature Reserve for a hike. Being in "seize the weekend" mode and all, we hopped on that train and in no time (well, no time if you are a Morgan Minor...Toodie and Frank would probably see it differently) we had changed clothes and made the drive. So glad we did! It was about 70, the leaves were brilliant colors for fall (thank you, God, for faithfully giving us this annual treat) and we had just downloaded the new panoramic software for our iPhones. Bonus! Took us a few tries until we got it right...for example.
But then we figured it out...
David and Toodie even spotted this preying mantis with their Go-Go Gadget eyes, so we pestered it for some good head shots. Creepy! It was quite the sport, bless its teeny heart.
And in preparation for our celebratory backpacking adventure in the Grand Canyon the week before Christmas, we attended the REI Garage Sale. David Morgan woke up at 6:30 a.m. on a Saturday to get in line (number 9 - what a champ) for their 10:00 a.m. start time. We are now fully prepared for winter backpacking at a crazy reduced rate. Isn't he a handsome money-saver? So many people behind him! I joined him at 9:45. I think he was the only dude in line without a full beard and sporting short hair on a Sunday. Such a prep!
Speaking of, he has just arrived home after a 14 hour work day, soaked to the bone from this monsoon. I think we are going to cook some eggs, watch some Warehouse 13, read a little from Love & Respect and hit the bed. Coming soon...details from our weekend at a pumpkin patch with the Caseys. And loads of studying.
If you think to pray for us, please pray for David to focus well on his studies for the surgery final next Thursday and Friday. And also that God would establish the work of our hands in BSF. Can't wait to share more about that. What a joy so far!
We love you all and pray for you often.
Missy Morgan