Friday, February 26, 2016

Our Grapefruit-Craving, Large Cantaloupe

Dear loved ones,

Yay, it's Friday! And I just got home from the dr's office. Oddly enough, I love going to the doctor. The staff is amazing, Dr. Philpott is a joy to work with and they are kind in these last few weeks as "pregnancy brain" has really kicked in. To embarrassing proportions, might I add. I went in last Friday thinking I had a 3:15 appointment. Nope! Had it confused with today, bless my heart. Then today the nurse asked me to step on the scale...never a favorite. I took off my boots and climbed on. "Oh, you should definitely put your boots down! That's defeating the whole purpose!," says the nurse. I was holding them in my hands. She saved me an extra pound. What is my problem?! And yes, they continue to let me work at the office and seem to trust what I am doing. Oy. David will be handling our taxes for sure.

Baby Morgan is officially due in 2 weeks and 2 days. Wowsa! And according to my pregnancy app, he is about the size of a large cantaloupe. I'm feeling it! This sweet baby loves to push his bottom into his mom's right ribcage. He also craves grapefruit, oranges, chocolate and 2% milk. Oh, and Starburst. And Starburst jelly beans.

Great progress so far. My blood pressure is normal, his heartbeat is strong and he has remained in the head-down position. For those of you who don't know, God answered our prayers. This baby turned the day before we were scheduled to get the external version (i.e. the baby-turning procedure that hurts!). I was a delighted mess during that ultrasound and the sweet ultrasound tech just celebrated right along with me, the shrieking, crazy mama. Woo hoo! And thank you so much for praying!

I'm not dilated yet and I've only had a few random contractions. So my stress level about getting the car seat installed has slowed a bit.

 Here's the bump from about two weeks ago. I'll send another one soon. Popular comments include a sweet "Wow, he's really dropped!" to my favorite blunder, "Goodness, you've really gotten fat...I mean, all of a sudden you just really popped out." I got a really good laugh out of that second one! To my credit, I was wearing a light-colored dress...

David has his rock climbing competition tomorrow and we are both pretty pumped about it. Stay tuned - I'll take pictures and provide a recap. I know he really enjoys the people that climb there and the competitive atmosphere. I haven't seen him climb in about a year and can't wait to see how much he's progressed. Fun! We are also strongly considering a movie over the weekend. Any recommendations?

Other than that, we don't have much else happening. Unless you count a basement and master bath reno two weeks before our first baby is due as "much." Yes, we are insane. I keep my eyes focused on the end result. And we are both incredibly thankful for the help from family!

I'm going to go rest this belly on the couch with a snack. We love all of you! And we pray for you.

Missy, David and Baby Morgan (recently referred to as Braxton Hicks Morgan)

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our Sweet, Upside-Down Little Pineapple!

Dear loved ones,

I'm quite embarrassed that I haven't written since November! Life feels like a fast sprint most of the time. I've noticed with Baby Morgan on the way that our sprint has become a faster, crazier one.

Two weeks ago the doc told us that our little guy weighed about 5 pounds, which sets him on the trajectory to weigh about 7.5 pounds at birth. We are at week 35 this week and my pregnancy app tells us that he is now the size of a pineapple! I even have one of these sitting on our counter for a Super Bowl fruit salad. Cute, huh? Thankful we don't birth pineapples.
We decided to tackle refinishing the basement, the master bath and the nursery. Yes, we're crazy. I am happy to report that we are making progress! David put together the crib, which really turned out beautiful. This dad-to-be is both electronically gifted AND quite handy. Do you see the crinkle of focus in his handsome brow? I sat in my new glider, provided words of encouragement and was tickled pink when it was finished.

And since it's been awhile since I sent a bump photo, here are a few. First me and Baby Morgan at week 29...

And here is the most recent one from this past Monday, week 33. Yes, I wore short sleeves in January in St. Louis. And I was perfectly comfortable.

This was taken after we got home from our appointment with Dr. Philpott two Mondays ago. He broke the news that our sweet baby was in the transverse position, or sideways. I'm normally prepared with questions, my Google Keep app for notes and mental clarity for next steps. I wasn't expecting to be concerned about position quite yet, not to mention a sideways baby. We all discussed a lot of percentages...he has this % chance of turning at this point, start considering an external version (where you go to the hospital and the doctor attempts to turn the baby externally) vs. going straight to c-section if he doesn't turn, they recommend an epidural during version because the pain is so intense. Here I had been preparing myself for childbirth, long laboring and the nursery. We can never plan to perfection. I should know this by now!

So we went on with our lives to wait and see. David and I attended our childbirth/newborn care full-day class at the hospital. It was awesome. I had always been a bit befuddled when people would ask me if I would use a birthing ball, which is nothing less than an exercise ball, during labor. I still think it's a weird question, but my answer before was always that I thought it was a bit strange and I wasn't sure what I would do with it. We changed our minds.

I'll spare everyone the details, but this class was so informative about everything from your first contractions to when the baby appears and you panic because people like us have no clue what to do with babies. They also had orange juice available all day, my obsession since week 6, and about 80 handouts to take with you. I have a lot of reading to do in between our fixer upper schtuff. We are not bored!

I went back to the doc on Friday and he took a quick look at Baby Morgan on the ultrasound. His little heart is beating beautifully! And he is now officially in a breech position, bless his heart. Feet first. The doc is very organized and therefore suggested that while David and I consider our options over the weekend amidst much prayer, we should go ahead and schedule the external version now as he has 5 days of travel and he doesn't want us to miss the best time window if we want it. So we are officially scheduled for another ultrasound on Monday, February 15th, President's Day. If he's still breech, we are scheduled for an external version on Tuesday, February 16th at 7:00 a.m.

We would love your prayers for him to turn around on his own! I'll keep you posted as to what we decide to do.

Big picture. Baby Morgan was long-prayed-for, a gift from God that we were told likely would not happen and one out of thousands of ways that I see God's graciousness and kindness. If this kiddo is going to be pulled out from a sideways position via c-section or flipped around by a doctor while his mother thanks the Lord for epidurals, we are just beyond excited to see him make his appearance and meet him face-to-face for the first time.

Reminds me of these verses that gave me so much peace while we waited and had some heartbreak thinking this pregnancy wasn't going to happen:

Psalm 27:13-14
I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

I am off to rest a bit before David gets home from church. I slightly overdid it this past week and decided to stay home and stream our church service from this very couch. I need to keep reminding myself that one cannot maintain the same level of activity at 35 weeks pregnant as they did a year ago. So glad David mops, cleans, bakes cookies, cooks, cleans bathrooms and puts schtuff together. Otherwise I might be in a sleep coma.

Eat wings and cheese dip and be merry on this Super Bowl Sunday! We love you all so much. Do you know how much we love you and thank God for you? It really is special to call you friends and family.

Morgan Minor Parents-To-Be

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Papaya, Monopoly and P90X...Maternity-style

If I could sum up Morgan life right now it would all revolve around change. But the fun kind!

David and I have some house projects we would like to get done before Thanksgiving. I travel the week we get back and then Mom and Amy are going to be here. So our extra bedroom and office are being transformed into a guest room and a nursery and David has a little painting to do. This weekend I cleared out the closet in the guest room, shopped for linens in the basement, laundered them and got busy decorating. David started hauling our masses of "stuff" from the office to the basement, including a number of baby donations from kind friends and some large-item gifts. To put it mildly, the house is in turnover mode. It's not an organized mess. Just a mess. And it's not quite done. This Type A personality will absolutely be excited when we are finished this weekend.

My personal productivity stepped up a notch as recently I've started waking up at 4:00 a.m. due to some back pain. Not sure it was ready for the extra weight, ya know? So I stretch, work on Bible study, read the news, bake, iron, talk to the baby when he kicks and check email until my body feels ready for a cat nap. These extra few awake hours each day will be miraculous in all nesting efforts. Though I have been a smidge grouchy as a result, bless my heart. I don't spring up with the alarm quite like I used to do. But that doesn't usually last much past 7:45 or so. Not bad!

Meanwhile sweet baby Morgan is officially the size of a papaya this week! That means he is just more than one pound in weight and approximately eight inches long. You a papaya. I never eat papaya, so I thought a photo might be helpful.

And I have a 23 week bump pic with Rachel, my co-worker, below. She's 7 weeks behind me. Considering we work on the same team, that means our maternity leaves will likely overlap by 5 weeks. We're in this together...morning sickness, round ligament pain, sweet little heartbeats. I get to work with Rachel and with Nicole - aren't they beauties? They are as sweet as they are gorgeous. I am blessed. I'll be sure to follow up at week 27 with another bump pic. THAT should be interesting as baby Morgan is supposed to double in size.

Oh, I have a new morning workout partner. My husband! He decided to sign up for a rock climbing competition at his gym in February. So now he joins me on the couch around 5:30 or so and drinks his coffee and eats breakfast. Then when 6:30 hits we put in P90X videos and get to it. My version is pretty hilarious as I maneuver the belly and tread extra-carefully while David cranks away at full blast. I love it! And I'd also hurt myself laughing if anyone videotaped this spectacle.

We've also started cutting back a bit on tube time. Last night after dinner David cleared the table and dealt two hands of our new favorite card game - Monopoly Deal. Our pal and game expert Jonathan Casey introduced it to us a few weeks ago. We are hooked. It's like playing real Monopoly in 30 minutes. David beat me the first time, and we had a few laughs at my pitiful draws. But I came back and snagged the second game win. I highly recommend it! So fun. We'll bring it to Arkansas next week.

I need to tend to my black bean lunch concoction and side of grapefruit. My lunch break is coming to a close. I'll try to include some photos of the house next time. Maybe even some before and after pics.

We love you all!
Missy Morgan

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Our Quiet, Blissful Night

I cannot think of a time when I have felt so blissfully content. Our one-pot-chicken-dinner is in the oven. I just had a small bowl of butter lettuce as a snack. There might be a few Tropical Skittles in my future. We have nowhere to be. My sweatshirt choice still fits my swelling belly. And in ten minutes I'll be eating dinner with my handsome hubby. Now, that's a Wednesday evening! Oh, and here's a bump photo update! I did have someone at work tell me she thinks I look like I'm having twins. That one stung. Oh, well.

I can assure you that there is only one baby in there! We got to see sweet little Baby Morgan last week during our ultrasound. And in my eye he's pretty adorable! Check it out! The doc says all looks well and he's measuring to be about 15 oz. right now. So slightly more than a can of Coke. And apparently about the length of a large banana. We both got to watch him move tonight. That's just plain awesome.

So without any further delay, here are some awesome pics of our little man! Now, I confess that the second one might look a little creepy with the eye socket situation. The poor thing can't help that the sound waves go right through his precious little eyelids, ya know? But isn't he a handsome baby?

I wish you could've seen the two of us. I was straining my neck, oohing and awing at this precious dude and David was laser-focused on every detail of all the things I couldn't identify without the tech's guidance just to make sure all was checking out well. We are a good match. :)

For the rest of the evening we plan to make our house-to-do-list and review 2016 insurance together. We're pretty crazy around here! And this is what crazy looks like.

I'll provide some fun house update pics next time. David just finished painting a nightstand this week and even distressed it for me. I totally love it. Oh, and I might include a fun story about our latest mouse escapade. Prepare yourselves. It's a little hideous.

Please know how much we love all of you and that we pray for you. And we miss you!

Big hugs,

Saturday, October 3, 2015

It's Been Awhile...But I'm Back!

So this weekend David and his two buddies, Adam and Joseph, took a "man trip" to NYC. Despite buckets of rain and chilly temperatures, they are having a blast. And the hubby has done a nice job of keeping me updated with lots of photos. Like these...

They've hit some major NYC highlights, eaten great food and I believe Adam and Joseph humored David and went rock climbing over in Queens with him today. Last night they had dinner in Chinatown - some pork dish where the first layer was literally a big layer of pork fat. Adam ate it! Joseph tried a few bites and was pretty grossed out. David, thankfully, pushed it aside and enjoyed the rest of his dish. His poor stomach really doesn't tolerate a lot of fat. Family, think about the pizza story when he ran bleachers. His Honda Accord apparently never smelled the same again. Oy.

I've been holding down the fort here in STL and it's been lovely. The temperature didn't get out of the 50s today. I've gone for walks, made spaghetti, drank a liter of my favorite lime flavored Perrier and went to Estelle Karsten's 2nd birthday today. It was pretty precious! She learns people's names pretty quickly and even pronounced correctly the name of some South American city I've never heard of. She's definitely got some Doriani in her. It melts my heart when she says, "Hi, Missy!" 

We had a great checkup with Dr. Philpott on Tuesday. He assures me that my weight gain is normal, which is calming. Some gals at my stage have only gained 5 pounds or so. Hmph. He's also the one who told me to lock up my salt shaker while I'm pregnant. We were off to such a good start until that business. I relented! Oh, if you're curious about Dr. Philpott, here's a photo. He's really nice and came highly recommended from another doctor and the Karstens. He also spent an hour with me during my first appointment to answer questions and walk me through everything. So I forgave him. Kinda.

Meanwhile, I've never eaten so often throughout the day in my life. Nor have I craved orange juice or had a sense of smell like a bloodhound before. Oh, our baby boy has a strong heartbeat at 142! I noticed there were little interruptions after a few beats here and there and Dr. Philpott said, "Do you hear that? That's him kicking!" It was the sweetest thing I'd ever heard. I do get a little nervous in between checkups and wonder if everything is going okay. David reminds me every time I have a gagging fit that it's a reassurance all is well. And oddly, I welcome that. If you're interested, we will be 17 weeks along starting tomorrow. And at the end of October we'll have our big ultrasound where you can really get a good picture of the baby. Stay tuned.

We pretty much woke up on Wednesday and out of nowhere my bump had really made an appearance. Check it out! 

That's all I've got. I'm going to watch a little more of this episode of Friends and get to sleep. I've got an early morning prayer meeting (which is sweet - I'm the youngest by several decades in there and I love the people that attend) followed by Sunday school and the worship service. And I've got to get groceries and pick up that handsome hubby of mine from the airport. I miss him when he's gone. (:

Hugs and lots of love,

Missy Morgan

Sunday, August 11, 2013

RMNP Disaster - Part II

Picking up from where I left off...

We trekked up 4.5 miles to our destination for the evening at Sand Beach Lake, which is at approximately 10,000 ft. Upon arrival, we immediately scouted out a cozy area for camping, pitched the tent and fixed some buffalo chicken for dinner. After hiding the bear keg 70 strides out, we headed back, watched a few episodes of Law & Order on the iPad and fell asleep.

The next morning we were a little slow going. Probably because we realized right before bedtime the night before that we forgot sugar for our coffee. Darn. David tried to improvise by chewing up M&M's and melting them into our cups. Helpful! But we weren't exactly downing the coffee. By 11:00 a.m. we had gotten fresh water filtered from the lake, torn down the tent and loaded up our bags to hit the...well, to hit the mountain. I almost said trail. But this was the portion of the trip where we planned to bushwhack our way up a mountain on the east side of Long's Peak. Below is a shot of me on our way out of Sand Beach Lake (pretty, huh?). Probably my last smile that day.

So up we went. And that is when things started to turn south. Bushwhacking, if you are wondering, is where you do not have a trail to follow. And for Colorado in the summer, that means climbing over downed trees, huge boulders and fighting brush. Not to mention we had a hoard of mosquitos covering us the second we would stop to think. All of this while carrying a 40 and 50 lb. packs. Ugh. After 30 minutes I begged to eat lunch. So there we sat on a downed tree trunk. We ate quickly, put on a second layer of Off! with Deet, and continued on our way.

For the next two and a half hours we were scrambling huge boulders. Balance was key, and my pack was throwing me off. Again, those stinkin' mosquitos were eating us alive! I told David I felt like Pigpen from Peanuts, except I had a cloud of bugs instead of stink. Well, probably both. Anyway, to give you an idea of the terrain, see below. We had trekking poles to help with some of the climb, but there were many points where we simply needed our hands and the poles would do us no good. This is a photo of the mountain we were climbing (left). Rugged, people! And all the while, we were doing the bear call just to ensure that if there were bears around, they were frightened away by people voices. Oh, and did I mention that a storm was rolling in pretty quick? Yeah...we were a couple hundred feet from treeline. Not really a great thing. So speed became even more of a necessity.

With about half a mile to go, I could no longer contain it. We were climbing back down rocks to make it to our campsite for the night. Rocks and tree limbs were scratching up my legs. The steepness of the decline was too much for my pack and my sanity. I sat down and started scooting on my butt. As David was mentioning something about the stream below being perfect for filling our water bladders, I finally stopped, dropped my head and started crying. And for the first time in our hiking career as a couple, I called uncle. I'd had enough. Visions of our vehicle back at the ranger's station danced in my head. As did the thought of a cheap motel with running water and a bed. I begged for mercy. I was done.

Thank God for a sweet hubby. And for the fact that this hike was fun for no one. David started filtering the water. And I stood there watching. And thinking. About time. It was about 2:45 p.m. at this point. We would have to make it all the way back to Sand Beach Lake, then hustle back down the trail for another 4.5 miles to the car. All before the sun went down. All possible with a will of steel and the grace of God.

And speaking of the sun...I wasn't seeing a ton of it. It had gotten a bit dark. Hmmm. Splat! Raindrops. Light, not a huge deal. And then more. On went the rain jackets. Then the sky opened. And then the thunder. And lightning. David whisked us into the trees and started rifling through his bags. Out came rope and a tarp. Three minutes later he had built us a nice little shelter. Good thing, too, because then it started to hail. The temperature dropped. More lightning. Up went the prayers. Oh, and if you think I wasn't praying this whole time at every step for Jesus to help me, you are wrong! Every step of the way. And boy, did He bless us. As soon as the thunder stopped rolling and the rain subsided, we hit the...not the trail...the rough terrain with sheer determination to make it back to the car. Needing an image of what we hacked through at this point? I snapped a photo so people would know our drama when they found our dead bodies. Oh, and to make matters worse, somehow in all the haste I lost one of David's trekking poles. We were down to three. I believe I cried again. More scrapes, shifting rocks under our feet, crevaces lurking under each step. Oh, and our constant bear calling. You don't want to stop that!!!

We finally made it back to Sand Beach Lake just a few minutes after 6:00 p.m. Our shoulders were killing us. Will of steel - I was determined to not stop here. David wisely pulled our packs off and dangled a granola bar in front of my face. We ate and then noticed a couple coming out of their tent to sit at the lake. They were both very relaxed. She looked like she had wet hair from a shower of some sort. They cozied up together on a long log and gazed at the lake together. Gag! What was wrong with these people?!

As we pulled together our last ounce of energy and shrugged those huge packs onto our sore shoulders, we hiked past them quietly. "Did you two have a nice hike?", they asked. Busted.

"Not really. It's been a rough day," David answered. "We're heading back to the car right now. A motel room is sounding really nice right now." Somehow he mustered a laugh. I was impressed, and mustered a teeny smile.

"Have you two seen any bears?", the girl asked us. After telling them no, I was curious.

"How about you two?," I asked.

"Yes, we saw one yesterday. He looked at us, we looked at him, and we all went on our own ways. No big deal." Apparently they had taken the same hike we did. But before the storm. And with adorable little daypacks. And I was certain that she had not been crying at all that day. Interesting...Why was I starting to feel like a bit of a sissy?

Crazy nice people. Seeing bears. Taking a scenery break by the pretty lake. Enjoying all that the mountains have to offer. I could take no more. We bid them farewell, and off we went! We had 4.5 miles to cover before the sun went down. Cozy bear-seeing, relaxing, adorable couples were slowing us down!

And we made it the whole way. I won't bore you with the stresses of making it right as the last bit of light escaped. The number of times David offered to stop and take a break. The urgent bear calls. I remembered what the ranger had said about mountain lions plucking people at dusk. I was focused! I would not relent! From prayers or moving my feet. When we finally got to our dump of a motel for the evening with french fries, shakes and whatnot in tow from McDonald's we discovered we had red skin from busted blood vessels where our packs rested on our shoulders. Our legs were jelly. Our stomachs were empty. And all we could say was what an awful, awful day it had been. And how amazing God was for getting us to this fabulous place.

We slept for ten hours that night.

I told David right before we went to sleep that I wanted to go home to St. Louis. Colorado had done me in for the trip. And he took me home. We rested that  next day and took a drive up Trail Ridge Road to view the mountains from the comfort of our car at 12,000 feet. A little pale in our faces, but we had our smiles back.

Needless to say, I definitely got a t-shirt from the gift shop. Escaping that day with just a few scratches, aches, pains and bruises was a stinkin' achievement! And a Morgan family vacation that we will surely not forgot for years to come. Debbie, didn't you say something about vacations with drama making the best memories?

We love all of you! With a special fondness after that craziness!


Friday, August 9, 2013

RMNP Disaster - Part I

   Due to popular demand, I have written a journal of our 6-day journey to Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP) cut short to 2 days. Welcome to part I. It all started on Sunday as we arrived at the ranger station to get our backpacking ticket...

   Park Ranger Victor Hall was kindly giving us the new rules for backpacking in RMNP. With their total bear count down to 23 from 30, they were taking no chances. And Rick was obviously a bit peeved with prior hikers getting sloppy. Bears are not leaving, you see. They are being put down. And according to Victor, that number would soon be 20 due to 3 brown bears aggressively going after hikers' food supplies. As the corners of Victor's mouth turned from concern over a potential lack of preparedness on our part to approval as David affirmed "yes" to his myriad of questions, my eyes wandered over their bulletins pasted to the wooden walls of the ranger office. For instance...

   David was assuring Victor that he not only had a map of the area where we planned to stay for the next three days, but he had also downloaded photos of our final summit to Long's Peak and our course upward. David had charted our course with a ranger over the phone prior to arriving. We were hiking 4.5 miles with our big packs on day 1 to Sand Beach Lake. Then we would ascend the next day by bushwhacking with our big packs (David's at about 50 lbs., mine about 40) again to 10,000 ft. on Mt. Orton. The third day we planned to take our small day packs and summit Long's Peak. Piece of cake, Victor! As we prepared to leave, Victor ran through the quick list of what to do when you see a bear. You know...look big, throw rocks, holler. The norm. Then for mountain lions...same thing. Just don't leave children or pets unattended. Or be alone on a run or bike ride at dawn or dusk. Apparently that's when they prefer to pluck their victims caught unawares. Finally, just to drive the message home, he also offered us a free cup of coffee if we sprayed a bear guilty of stealing a backpack with food in it. Apparently that is good discipline for black bears. Gulp. Sweat beads on the nose. Later, Vic. See you, hopefully. Needless to say we quickly texted our itinerary to Debbie and Mikel and hopped in the car for a quick drive to our trailhead. Surely Ranger Vic was a bit overreactive.

When we pulled into our parking lot by the trailhead, the rangers wanted $20 and had further advice for black bear encounters. After all, they said, chances were ripe to see them as activity was unusually high. When we mentioned we were packing a canister of bear spray a blonde ranger dude was quick to inform us that spraying a bear was a last resort. Last guy wanted to give us coffee. Awfully confusing.

So with a heavy dose of bear (not to mention mountain lion) fear, my 40 lb. backpack and a one last stop at an actual restroom we were off. Click here for our parting words before hitting the trailhead. We were so adorable and excited. Bless our hearts.